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20220704 吴国宝 High-dimensional Data Recovery

发布时间:2022-06-30 10:39    浏览次数:    来源:

报告人:吴国宝 (香港大学讲座教授)

报告题目:High-dimensional Data Recovery


腾讯会议ID:932 383 058 (密码:无)


摘要:In recent years, high dimensional data recovery has been extensively

studied and analyzed, which can be applied to many data science applications such as recommendation, image recovery and one-bit data statistical estimation. In this talk, we present several variants of data recovery models and their applications using linear algebra techniques. We provide theoretical insight to create a rigorous scientific basis for solving such data completion problems. Numerical examples are also given to demonstrate the usefulness of these models.

报告人简介:吴国宝(Michael K. Ng),数学家,美国工业与应用数学学会院士(SIAM Fellow), 现任香港大学数学系讲座教授. 吴国宝1990年毕业于香港大学数学系,1992年获香港大学硕士学位, 1995年获香港中文大学博士学位. 1995年—1997年, 任澳大利亚计算机科学实验室研究员. 1997年—2005年,任香港大学任助理教授、副教授. 2005-2019年任香港浸会大学讲座教授. 2017年当选美国工业与应用数学学会院士, 同年获得第12届冯康科学计算奖.2019年加入香港大学数学系,任讲座教授。吴国宝教授先后担任多个著名杂志主编或者编辑,包括SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences,SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,Journal of Scientific Computing,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications,Journal of Computational Mathematics,East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics等。吴国宝教授发表学术著作700多篇,文章引用次数多达2万多次。

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