报告题目:Edge statistics for random band matrices
报告摘要: Random band matrices are interpolating models between mean-field Wigner matrices and Anderson models, and are conjectured to exhibit phase transition between Poission and GOE/GUE statistics as the bandwidth W increases. For Hermitian random band matrices on the d-dimensional lattice (Z/LZ)^d the critical dimension d_c=6 and the critical bandwidth W_c=L^{1-(d/6)} are observed at the spectral edge. As W goes to infinity, edge statistics are also established in the three spectral regimes when d<4. The proof builds upon Sodin’s program and new techniques of taming the singularity of Feynman diagrams and graph integrals through a connection to the \phi^3 model. This is based on join work with Guangyi Zou, arXiv:2401.00492
报告人简介:刘党政,2010年毕业于北京大学,现为中国科学技术大学副教授,研究方向是随机矩阵理论及其在相关领域中的应用。曾在CMP, EJP, IMRN, AIHP, JSP等期刊发表论文数十篇。