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20200617 殷俊峰 Kaczmarz-type inner-iteration preconditioned flexible gmres methods for consistent linear systems

发布时间:2020-06-15 14:44    浏览次数:    来源:

题目:Kaczmarz-type inner-iteration preconditioned flexible gmres methods for consistent linear systems

报告人:殷俊峰 教授 (同济大学)


腾讯会议ID300 227 110


摘要:We propose using greedy and randomized Kaczmarz inner-iterations as preconditioners for the right-preconditioned flexible GMRES method to solve consistent linear systems, with a parameter tuning strategy for adjusting the number of inner iterations and the relaxation parameter. We also present theoretical justifications of the right-preconditioned flexible GMRES for solving consistent linear systems. Numerical experiments on overdetermined and underdetermined linear systems show that the proposed method is superior compared to the GMRES method preconditioned by NE-SOR inner iterations in terms of total CPU time.



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